
Another way to disable Shopping Lens in Ubuntu [Computer]

I found another way to disable Shopping Lens in Ubuntu 12.10.
The previous way to disable Shopping Lens is deleting Shopping Lens itself. The new way is easier than the previous way. And there is no need to delete Shopping Lens.

The path to the menu of the switch:
"System Setting" - "Privacy" - "Query in Dash" - "Including On-Line-Query"

Turn off the "Including On-Line-Query".


Song Bird which is a music player software [Computer]

Windows Media Player is not easy to use. So, I try some music player software.
I chose "Song Bird" at first. However, it has a problem of character encode errors. It cannot display the codes of Shift JIS. In the menu, there is the codes of Shift JIS. But, it cannot be chosen. So, I gave up using this software.
I tried "MusicBee" which is also a free software. However, it cannot play MP4 files.
Then, I though I should use "iTunes". But, I don't have iPod or iPhone. So, it is useless.
Finally, I keep using Windows Media Player.

タグ:Songbird iTunes

Preventing iBus icon from disappearing in Ubuntu [Computer]

The iBus icon sometimes disappears in the task bar of Ubuntu. How to avoid this is the following.
The iBus daemon is registers to automatic start-up the programs.
Open "automatic start-up the programs" and push "add" button.
Then, write "ibus-daemon -rxd" in the command column.

タグ:ibus ubuntu icon

Is Windows8 a new and great OS? [Computer]

I heard Windows8 PC is not sold well compared to Windows7 PC. I'm not familiar with a touch device such as iPad, iPhone or Android. I may be an old type person who use a traditional mobile phone. I cannot like a touch device. I want to keep using key board. A lot of people use smart phones and enjoy all-time connection to Internet. Is those devices smart? I cannot understand.


Decrease the cost of ADSL [Computer]

I'm trying to decrease the cost of ADSL. Optical network is dominant now. However, ADSL has still enough speed for surfing the web. So, I want to buy a used cheap modem of Yahoo BB because I re-resister the modem and save the rental fee of the modem.
I'm checking Yahoo auction to buy the used modem. However, a Yahoo BB modem is bought at a relatively high price. It costs 6,300 yen to re-register a used modem. Then, I think it needs to cost less than about 7,000 or 8,000 yen to buy a used modem. The total cost will be about 15,000 yen. The rental fee of a modem is about 1,000 yen per month. Then, it takes about one and a half year to earn back the cost of buying a used modem.


タグ:Modem yahoo bb ADSL

I tried Android Emulater in Linux. [Computer]

I am interested in Android Emulator in Linux because I want to access web sites for smart phones or tablet PCs without smart phone or tablets.
1) Download the Android SDK.
First of all, the Android SDK package need to be downloaded from Google web sites.
You can download the SDK form the following URL.
2) Install the Android SDK.
2-1) Make the directory in which the SDK is installed.
Using Nautilus, make the directory "~/.android" in the "home" directory.
Unpack the SDK file "android-sdk_r20.0.3-linux.tgz" into the directory "~/.android".
2-2) Penetrate the path from bash to the directory in which Android tools are installed.
Using Gedit, add the next line in the file "~/.bashrc".
"export PATH=${PATH}:~/.android/android-sdk-linux/tools"
2-3) Re-read "~/.bashrc".
Using Terminal, "source ~/.bashrc"
3) Install the Android SDK tools using the Android SDK manager.
Using Terminal, "android" to activate the Android SDK manager.
Install some SDK tools such as "Android 4.1.2 (API16)" etc.
4) Activate the Android Virtual Device (AVD) manager.
Using Terminal, "android avd".
5) Create AVD using the AVD manager.
Push the "new button in the AVD manager and create a AVD.
According to the instruction of AVD manager, you can create a AVD easily.
6) Start AVD using the AVD manager.
Select the AVD you created in the manager and push the "Start" button.
You can find the Android terminal in the emulator.


Ubuntu 64bit eats a lot of memory. [Computer]

I was aware that Ubuntu 64bit eats a lot of memory. When the OS starts, 1G bytes memory is used. When two spread sheets, two documents and two presentations are opened, the needed memory is over 1.5G bytes. My machine has 2G bytes memory. So, the memory is enough for it, but not well enough.
Compared to 64bit Ubuntu, 32bit Ubuntu eats less memory. When the 32bit OS starts, only about 600M bytes memory is used. When two spread sheets, two documents and two presentations are opened, the needed memories are less than 1G bytes. It is about 800M byes.
I use an old machine for Ubuntu. That is the second machine. Then, I have no plan to upgrade the computer. So, I have no plan to add memories to it.
As a result, I had better use 32bit Ubuntu.

タグ:Memory ubuntu 64bit

Amendment of character corruption of Rythmbox in Ubuntu [Computer]

Character corruption occurs in Rythmbox, which is the default music player in Ubuntu, when Chinese characters are included in the title or play list.
Here is how to correct the character corruption.
1) check where is the library file of Rythmbox.
For example, the file is "home/User ID/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml" in Ubuntu 12.10.
2) Back up the original file.
Copy the file and rename to e.g. "rhythmbox.orig".
3) Create a script file which can change Sift JIS code to Unicode.
Create the blank file named "/bin/" by sudo & gedit.
The source code is available in the below link.
4) run the script, using command line as below.
"sudo chmod +x /bin/"
"cd ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/"
" < rhythmdb.orig > rhythmdb.xml"

I use the two web pages by reference.


The temporature of HIS H657H1G is high. [Computer]

I use a graphic board of HIS H657H1G. However, the temperature of this card is always high. So, I care about break of the card. So, I want to buy a new graphic card. One of the candidates is PowerColor AX7750 1GBD5-NH. This card is produced by 28nm process rule. So, the temperature of the card could be lower than that of H657H1G.



CPU fan control in OpenSuse 12.2 [Computer]

I could not find out how to control the speed of CPU fan.
I installed sensors and did the command "sensors-detect". Sensors program detected some sensors chips. However, the program could not detect CUP-fan chip. The reaction of the program is different from that of Ubuntu.
So, when I did the command "pwmconfig", no pwm-capability was found. So, I could not change the speed of CPU fan.

